Saturday, February 16, 2008

Newest Inductees

Last night was a great night as four more Boomlanders, one girlfiend, and one roommate maned up to rip some phone books. Austin rolled through his first, then Jon O answered the call, then I boosted my stats, then our first female finisher (Maggie), then Halvsies felt the need to not be too outdone by his girlfriend. Towards the close of the evening Chrysler joined the ranks of the rippers and James Macatangay, long-time friend and supporter of U of I Ultimate, took a personal vendetta against The Yellow Book Co. and it subsequent entities. At the end of the night it was Jon O with four, Austin and Maggie with three, Halvsies with two, me with two more and Chrysler with one. I put a call in to Yellow Book and left a message asking for some more books, so we'll see what happens.

McLain (7)
Somerfield (5)
Jon O (4)
Austin (3)
Cozza (2)
Halvsies (2)
Chrysler (1)
Team Total (24)

Maggie (3)
Kevin - Jon O's roommate (1)
Friends and Family Total (4)

Let's keep up the good work boys.

1 comment:

Cozza said...

Maggie, Kelly did one last night, she's coming after you