Monday, February 18, 2008

Chicago Invite

Alright guys, we are less then one month away from the Chicago Invite. There are going to be at least eight teams there from our sectional. This means that we will be getting a great chance to see some of our competition a month before sectionals. Of these eight teams, four out ranked us last year at sectionals with our tie for 11th: Loyola (4), Wheaton (7), North Park (8), and Chicago (tied for 9). Loyola suffered a huge loss as Denis now plays for us and I am not too sure about everyone else. Nevertheless, even if each of these retained all of their players from last year, Boomland has grown by leaps and bounds. We currently have a team full of guys who don't just dick around and play for fun. Don't get me wrong Ultimate is fun, but playing Ultimate and winning is even more fun. We have a solid opportunity this year to take a trip to regionals. We have been putting in the time running, pushupping, situpping, chinupping, and suffering through the process of getting better as a team. Each practice we are strengthening the bond that we have forged not through being born brothers, but through pushing each other harder than we could by ourselves. I hope that all of you out there feel what I feel.

In high school I came from a very tight knit and successful running program. I worked my ass off everyday not because I was told to, but because I knew the guy next to me was not going to give up so why would I? Last year, I didn't really feel that as an Ultimate player. I liked everyone, but that passion was missing. This is year has been completely different. I know that I am willing to sweat and bleed for each one of you and I can see that there are a lot of you who feel the same.

So lets keep working our asses off in the Armory and keep our heads and hearts in it at practice. I know that this team can accomplish great things this season, and I hope that throughout the season all of you will share that same vision. Always keep Chicago in the back of your heads, boys.


Keenan said...

agreed, work on getting better these next 3 weeks at practice and lifting. its really important to have a solid base for when we get back to outdoor practice and start concentrating on things other than cross-fits and track workouts. it'll also keep you from getting injured as easily because you're repeatedly using muscle groups that will be required later.
we also have to crush rose-hulman because they dont have a shrine constructed for stupca yet

Anonymous said...

why arent i on the poll?!!? am i not good looking enough?!!?!

Jon O said...

maybe your Gramps?

McLain said...

im sorry sul. it wont let me add any more slots to the poll.