Friday, October 3, 2008

Tribute to McLain

Hey boys, this is mark and wego posting for the first time on the boomland blog.  We wanted to start by saluting Brain, the genesis of this blog.  If you don't know Brian we like to compare him to another Mclain:




John may have singlehandedly foiled a terrorist attack on an entire office building in his bare feet, or crippled a plot to control the entire LA airport in an hour, or raced around New York defusing countless bombs, or taken down a helicopter with a car, but Brain, President of the Fun Squad, has killed a panther with his bare hands, scaled Mount Everest in three hours wearing a speedo, swam to Antarctica, and created a television using nothing but dental floss, coconuts, and spare toaster parts.
Think about it
Yipee-ki-yay, motherfucker!